Silver Sky Comparison: USA vs SE

Since the launch of the original Core Model Silver Sky back in 2018, people have been asking about the possibility of an SE version. This finally became a reality in 2022, but due to various manufacturing woes still plaguing the guitar industry post-2020, it has been very difficult for a lot of people to get to try PRS’s more affordable S-stye offering. Many, myself included, were forced order the guitar sight unseen, often in the form of a preorder as manufacturing struggled to meet the demand.

Fortunately in my case, the SE was worth the wait, and despite a few minor cosmetic blemishes, it was a rock-solid guitar that felt and sounded fantastic. With this being a more affordable version of a very popular PRS, a company known for stellar instrument quality, many were wondering how this import guitar would fair in comparison. I’m pleased to report that it fairs quite well, so much so that I’m personally shocked that it currently sits at 1/3 the price of the Core Silver Sky. Both of these guitars would serve well even in professional contexts, so I honestly don’t think those on a budget are missing out on much by going for the SE version. PRS really knocked it out of the park with these guitars, and even though I’m personally not an adamant S-style guitar fan, these two guitars are definitely special.

For more in depth information as well as a sound comparison, check out the video above.


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